Scattering length calculator for Mie spheres
as a function of concentration

Use this routine to calculate the angular dependent scattering intensity of dielectric spheres based on Mie-theory. Moreover it provides the scattering length (l) and the reduced scattering length or transport mean free path (l*). Two values are given, one corrected for positional correlations (l*') and one uncorrected (l*). The data is calculated as a function of particle concentration (volume fraction).
Positional correlations are treated on the level of the Percus-Yevick approximation. This approximation is considered to be valid up to a volume fraction of about 0.5. Based on the thesis by L.F. Rojas-Ochoa, Structure, Dynamics and Photon Diffusion in Charge-Stabilized Colloidal Suspensions, 2004
Coding and online implementation by Pavel Zakharov (

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